Saturday Night Live, CNN, and the Nobel Peace Prize
What a week! First, Saturday Night Live pointed out that Emperor Obama had no clothes. The impersonation of Obama was pretty weak, but essence of humor is truth and the skit was a riot. You Tube had it up for a few days, but NBC made them remove it. This was not to protect Obama, but to drive people to the NBC website. You can watch it here, but you have to see a commercial first.

This upset the liberals at CNN so much, they "fact checked" the comedy skit. Are they trying to prove that they are completely biased? A recent poll showed that 89.3% of Americans believe the national media played a very or somewhat strong role in helping to elect President Obama. Fortunately, most Americans have a sense of humor and started posting their own CNN Fact Checks. Some of my favorites follow:

Twitter users have played up CNN’s silliness by creating a hashtag -- Twitter-speak for search term category -- called #CNNFactCheck, used for tweeting pompous corrections of SNL sketches, well-known hyperbolic metaphors, and other absurdities usually are not taken literally – except by CNN fact-checkers of course.

@discerning_con CNN Breaking News: Stepping on a crack will not actually break your mother's back #CNNFactCheck

@mikehassinger: This just in: "Toonces the driving cat" not real cat, can't even DRIVE! #CNNFactCheck

@tnixon16: We interrupt this program to bring you word that Buckwheat has NOT been shot. Repeat: NOT been shot. #cnnfactcheck

@andylevy That wasn’t really Obama - it was actor Fred Armisen! #CNNFactCheck

@adcdl #CNNFactCheck There are 57 states

So after a week of Obama being ridiculed for accomplishing almost nothing, he is awarded the Nobel Peace prize. No, this is not another joke, although that was my first thought. The Nobel committee actually awarded Obama the Nobel Peace prize. I cannot think of anything more likely to further call attention to Obama’s ineffectiveness and to further reduce the brand equity of the Nobel Peace prize which has not been the same since they gave it to Yasir Arafat, the terrorist, and Jimmy Carter. At least the Nobel committee and I agree that all three people have a lot in common.

Wonder what next week will bring?


The most astonishing thing to me is that the deadline for Nobel nominations is in February, at which time Obama had been president for less than a month and had accomplished nothing (not to imply that he's accomplished much since then).

Posted by: Roger Norris | 10/10/2009 - 07:25 AM

Did you watch the video of the Nobel announcement? Even the folks in the room loudly gasped in disbelief when they announced Obama's name.

Posted by: Richard | 10/10/2009 - 06:57 PM

I thought this British reaction was pretty good too:

Posted by: Don Quixote | 10/15/2009 - 09:48 AM

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