Bloopers of al Qaeda in Iraq
The good guys just scored one in the terrorist media wars. Al-Zarqawi had previously released a video on the internet showing his prowess with machines guns as part of a campaign to convince fellow terrorists that they should listen to him, the great warrior.

The US Army found the original video from which the internet clips came. They reveal al-Zarqawi and his associates as unfamiliar with weapons. In fact, they reminded me of the stereotypical Arab terrorists in Back to the Future. ABC has the video, although you first have to watch a 30 second commercial.

I watched the video and you can see this "great warrior" has no clue how to handle a simple gun jam. Neither do his associates seem to understand that after you fire a gun, the barrel gets hot.

If I were the US, I’d be putting this on late night TV in Bagdad on the comedy circuit.


This was just classic. : )

Posted by: Jenn | 05/04/2006 - 07:05 PM
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