Status Update

I want to thank all of you who have written and asked how I am doing and/or sent me suggestions for posts. Ever since my home disaster, my spare time has been virtually nonexistent, but I do miss blogging. I’ve actually had a lot to say recently and it has been frustrating not having to the time to share. I’ve also missed receiving comments on my thoughts.

Since posting about my home disaster, we’ve discovered that the house has many other problems our home inspector missed. For example, the floors of both bathrooms need to be replaced (our home inspector missed the fact that both toilets have leaked for years and the bathroom floors were rotting). I could go on, but I would rather not dwell on the problems. I’m trying to get these problems fixed as quickly as I can. I have completely gutted my basement to concrete, including ripping out the interior walls and removing the original furnace. If you ever need some weightlifting practice, I recommend carrying a 300 gallon cast iron fuel drum out of a basement. It took three of us and I felt it for days afterwards...

This is my fourth home purchase and one horrible experience out of four is not too bad. But next time I buy a house, I’m not going to hire a “home inspector.” Instead, I’ll hire a plumber and a general contractor.

I will probably be pressed for time for months to come, but I will make more of an effort to find time to blog (starting with tonight). Thanks again for your emails.


Yeah, I'm still looking for the "home security system" that the 'home inspector' found at MY new house ;)

Fortunately, I am qualified as a Journeyman in Plumbing, and Electrical work and as an Apprentice in Masonry and Carpentry (and my dad is certified as a Master Carpenter with the special "Historical License" here in FL)

As it is, I have had to replace the sinks in the Master Bath, but other than that, things are going OK.

Luckily, basements here are few and far between! Although I DID move a Sago Palm which, in addition to being really heavy, had nice, sharp spikes!

Good Luck!

Posted by: Khobrah | 11/03/2003 - 08:59 AM
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