March 29th Edition of CotC

The Carnival of the Capitalists

Since April Fool's Day is around the corner, I gave some thought to an appropriate theme that would be appropriate for the carnival and for this special time of year. Thus, this carnival is dedicated to that truly American family of capitalists, the Popeils.

They Slice! And Dice!

The Fried Man reveals how the State of Louisiana protects its citizens from rogue florists.

Simon World warns that the Chinese Bubble is not sustainable.

Professor Brainbridge refutes the Wall Street Journal and others by clarifying that corporations have never been democracies in which ownership and control were united either in law or fact.

Goobage provides another example that while businesses are legitimately required to sacrifice profits or investments to fully fund pension plans, governments don't bother with such mundane practices.

Small Business Trends shows why the recent European Commission antitrust ruling against Microsoft is bad for small businesses.

They Even Inform!

Jeff Cornwall's Entrepreneurial Mind answers the question "Where have all the start-ups gone?"

The Master of None has some thoughts on deficit spending; specifically, the rarely discussed relationship between the deficit rate and the growth rate.

Arnold King reports on a conference about consumer-driven health care.

Les Jones releases his fourth E-commerce report. I especially enjoyed hearing how Google handled an extortionist.

Take a look at The Big Picture, and see how geopolitical tensions may eat your portfolio.

Synergy Partners clearly provides examples of why you should never trust your intuition when it comes to statistics.

Click Now!

The Interested Participant shows that Chinesese are buying American cars. Shouldn't you?

Anita presents the other side of Radio Frequency Identification Devices, and shows how RFID can empower consumers.

Catallarchy stores up a hornets' nest with his defense of Microsoft.

The delightfully named Photon Courier illuminates the chain of causation.

According to its host, this American Mind post deals with the incentives the TSA doesn't have to do an economical job. This is the only post that I have not personally read as I have not been able to access his site. Hopefully the link will be working shortly.

But Wait! There's More!

Yours truly asks carnvial owners to be more efficient and offers a mild incentive for doing so. Jay Solo, the caretaker for the Carnival of the Capitalists, has already implemented the suggestion.

Next week's carnival will be hosted by Crazy Pundit. As always, you may enter by sending an email to "capitalists at elhide dot com."


My web host is having technical problems. I can't post anything, and no one can read anything. I think my post on the TSA is good, so please be patient.

Posted by: Sean Hackbarth | 03/29/2004 - 01:19 PM

My old host went offline just after my Bestofme Symphony link went up. One of the reasons I'm so thrilled to be moving. Basic capitalist lesson; consumers "vote with their feet".

Posted by: triticale | 03/29/2004 - 04:16 PM
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